Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Workday Fun

Now I realize not every day at work is fun......but sometimes you need a little break from the regular day.  We've been doing this recently at work, and here are a few of the things we've been doing:

Valentine's Day Cupcakes!
This was a decorating event, led by yours truly!   Each person got 4 cupcakes to decorate and a sampler decorating kit from Wilton.  The event was fashioned after Wilton's Icing Fun Workshop.  Everyone had a blast!  Here are some of the pictures from the event!

These were the samples, and the techniques that I taught/showed them.

These are some of the creations that they came up with!

Someone even re-created the Hostess Cupcake!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gingerbread House Contest
At Christmas-Time the company sponsored a Gingerbread House Contest.  The company purchased kits from William Sonoma, and I volunteered to put all the houses together since they had to be done ahead of time.  I was surprised at how quickly they went together once I did a couple of them.  In total, I put together 12 of them, and we all worked in teams of two to decorate them.  We ended up with 7 teams to decorate.  My team's house is the one on the top left of the picture below.  We used what came in the kit and everyone brought stuff from home to use also.

Easter "Flowers"
Some of us got together the week before Easter to put together Easter "Flower" pots made with Dum-Dum lollipops.  They were a lot of fun to make.  I ended up getting spring-time ribbon and stickers because I made mine to bring to a cookout the week after Easter. 

We got round Styrofoam balls and cut each one in half (only need half of a ball for each flower pot).  We then hot-glued the balls, round side up, into the terra cotta pots.  You then just start sticking the dum-dum lollipops into the Styrofoam....trying not to leave any open/empty spaces.  You can cut and wrap streamers around some of the lollipops to make them look like leaves.  I hot glued the 'leaves' around the inside edge of my second pot.  We then put the decorative stickers on them!

I am going to a cookout at one of Wolf's aunt's this coming weekend, so I made these to bring with me. 


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