Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life, etc.... Updates

  • The new phone is friggin awesome!  Not so awesome....had to go with a new plan from Verizon since my current one no longer existed.  So, instead of unlimited data each month, I now pay for 4G/mth.  Now I know that sounds like a lot....but it was $10 more than 2G was, and since data overages are $15/G, it seemed stupid not to do 4G.  I re-evaluated after a few months and saw that I was averaging 2.5G/mth....so stuck with the 4G.  Watched the marathon on my phone today, so I upgraded to 6G for this month since I hit 3.8G and have 10 days left this month, haha.  I'll put it back down next month.

  • Wolf and I went to Fire & Ice in Cambridge for my birthday.  It was great!  I have been to the one in Boston years ago and it was good, and I'm glad Wolf and I went!  I was surprised with flowers at work on my birthday also!  He really is the best!!!

  • Wolf and I had our first anniversary on Sept 29th.  We went to King Richard's Faire in Carver and had a great time.  It's a renaissance faire and is just a good time.  If' you've never been, you should go to one at least once.  It occured to both of us a few weeks later that we sort of missed our anniversary, lol.  I dressed up in what was called a Pirate Wench costume....but it was kind of renaissance wench-y. I borrowed a velvet cape-thing from one of Wolf's co-workers and it went well with it.  He dressed up as sort of a pirate/renaissance guy.  We went out to dinner on the way back to Wolf's afterwards and got more than a few looks walking into the restaurant!
    Wolf & I, and the rose he bought me even after I told him he didn't have too!
  •  Wolf and I had a good Christmas....and he was quite generous with my gifts :)   I care much more about Wolf than about the gifts...but it's still nice to get them.  He got me some cupcake themed pajamas (so comfy!!), and a co-worker of his went to Disney before Christmas and saw the Alex & Ani bracelet and contacted Wolf about getting it for me for Christmas.  I also love the necklace!  I wear them both daily!

  • For New Year's eve, we got tickets to Frozen Fenway.  It sounded much more fun than it ended up being.  Frozen was definitely a good way to describe it!  We thought we were going to get to ice skate, but apparently you were supposed to bring your own.  We did end up sledding down a big slide on innertubes and that was a blast!  Afterwards we meandered over to Boston Common too see what First Night activities there were to see.  We saw some cool ice sculptures and stuck around until 8pm (the T was free after 8), then headed back to Wolf's to warm up and ring in the new year on our own, lol.  It was fun, but I don't think I'd do it again.

  • I had a stroke of brilliance for Valentine's Day and got Wolf a multi-opening frame and put pictures of us in it, along with gluing charms to it that mean something to us.  I got beautiful flowers delivered to me at work, and a Mickey snow globe!!
The little charms are from AC Moore and represent things about us!

Not only do I love Mickey, but I love snow globes too!

  • Back in September I had purchased an indoor trainer for my bicycle.  The intention was to ride indoors once it got too cold outside. Well, in January or February I finally put it together and put the bike on it!  Better late than never, right?  I have to say that I really like it.  It's certainly not the same as riding outdoors, but it's pretty good.  I've ridden it most weekdays and ride for 15 minutes.  When I started I had to take a break every 5 minutes.....now I can do 10-12min before needing a break. 

  • I'm planning a vacation for Wolf and I for September/October.....but it's so spectacular that it deserves it's own post - so stay tuned!!!


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