Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pressed Pennies like you've never seen them!

Every one has heard of pressed pennies (at least I hope you have!).....but I bet you've never see this!  I saw this a few weeks ago (I don't remember where....Facebook maybe?), but there's a lady that has turned her pressed pennies into jewelry!!  I know!!!  She actually has two websites...both of which I've heard of and one that I've been on many times.

Most of you have probably heard of Cake Wrecks (www.cakewrecks.com)...I LOVE that site!  Jen (the lady that blogs) is hilarious and always makes me laugh.  Well...she has another (lesser known to me) website called Epbot.  Imagine my surprise when I clicked the Facebook link and it brought me to her site!  I knew then and there that the ideas/items she came up with would be fabulous!  She did not dissappoint!  Here's a link to the Epbot post that I read a few weeks ago:  http://www.epbot.com/2010/07/simply-smashing-penny-jewelry.html.

Now...like any good Disney fan, I have some pressed pennies of my own  (8 pennies and 1 pressed quarter).  Yeah yeah....I've been 5 times and should have more.....planning to remedy that in September!  I also have two pennies from Stonehenge when I went 10 years ago (HOLY COW....how has it been 10 years since my Europe trip!!!).  Anyway....back to the discussion at hand.  I liked a lot of the ideas on the Epbot blog, but still wasn't sure what I wanted to make out of mine.

Coincidentally enough...JEM has gotten into jewelry making (how fabulous is that?!?), so I did what any bestest friend would do....I immediately emailed JEM with the website link and enlisted her help in coming up with ideas.  In a few hours she had some ideas but wanted to think some more about them....I still don't know what those ideas are, but in fairness I haven't asked either, haha!

I'm hoping to go visit JEM in January sometime, and am planning on bringing my pennies with me so we can make jewelry!  Or more likely....she will make the jewelry and I'll keep her company!

Here are the Pennies that I have:


Assorted Disney:


JEM and I are working on a design for one of the pennies for a good friend of ours (can't mention it...she might read this).  Can't wait to tell you all about it when I give it to her!

~Chelle *o*

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