Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Welcome Back!

 Holy cow!!   I can't believe it's been almost 5 years since I posted on this blog, or really even thought about it enough to look at it!

Five years is such a long time..... so much has happened in my life in that time.  The most significant of which is that I was diagnosed and beat Ovarian Cancer.  I have now been cancer free for 3 years and 3 months.  Some day I will post the whole story, maybe.  We'll see when, and if, I am up to it!   Those of you reading that are friends with me on Facebook have heard the entire story already.

A few updates:
Wolf and I (and Max) are still in the same apartment.  Wolf still has the same job, as do I.  I now work from home 3-4 days a week and only go into the office once or twice a week.  Lots of changes at work in the last few years (some good, some not so good).

JEM and her husband are still across the country.  For the past couple of years, Wolf's Christmas and Birthday present to me has been plane tickets to go visit JEM for an entire week!!!!  Woohoo!!!!  Last year I went out for JEM's birthday week, and this year I'm going out for 4th of July!

Muffin and most of her family (husband, Clydesdale and Care Bare) moved to Virginia last fall!  Sticky Mickey chose to remain in Massachusetts.  So now instead of a 45 min drive to go visit, it's more like a 12hr  travel day!   Wolf, Max and I made the drive a few months ago to go visit for a weekend - we had so much fun.   Looking forward to flying or training it down there for a longer visit on my own!

That's really it for now, I hope to post a few times a week going forward!

~Chelle *o*

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